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White Sand and Stone

'Meditation is a wonderful practice to have in your toolkit, to help manage those challenging moments, bring more peace and clarity into your life, and much more'. Angharad Hart

Learn Meditation

IPHM Certified Meditation Tutor & Guide

I discovered meditation around 3 years ago, after being introduced initially to mindfulness. 


It was a time where mindfulness was really taking off, and I was experiencing severe stress at work. I was advised to give it a go, and I tried, but it just wasn't me. I found I couldn't relate to the term, or the need to 'clear my mind'. It just wasn't happening and I felt increasingly frustrated that I couldn't do it!


But, I had heard of meditation and for some reason I resonated with the term and decided to explore this instead. I am now a regular meditator and have seen significant benefits in my life since finding an approach to meditation that works for me. 


I want to share the benefits of meditation with others, and help them find their own way which works for them - because we are all different and we can all find a meditation practice that's unique to us! 

Sitting at a lake at sunset

It's easier than you think!
4-week Meditation for Beginners Course

Want to try meditation, but don't think you can do it?

Have trouble clearing your mind, or sitting cross-legged on the floor?

Good news! You don't have to.


Learn more about the benefits of mediation and how to do it in a way that works for you as we remove the barriers and create a relaxing meditation practice that you can make your own!

Why practice meditation?

Here are just some of the potential benefits from practicing meditation

Meditation may help to reduce and better manage the symptoms of stress and anxiety

Did you know?

I donate 10% of all sales to charity. 

Choose between the Ocean Conservancy, BornFree and the World Land Trust

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